Thursday, 8 May 2014


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Final Magazine

In the end, I found that viewers didn't like this image as a front page, but still found the image good, but for something like a poster instead. So I have still used this as a part of my magazine, but as a part of the double page spread.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Front Cover Mock

After trying out some editing techniques for myself, I managed to edit a photo of my own. I used my own camera, and used a manual filter over the lens making the image being taken have a different colour scheme as soon as I took the picture. Here is the original, followed by the edited version.

I have edited the 2nd image to seem unrealistic. By doing this I have created a strange look, 'undead' almost. I have edited the face to give a completely different look of the model, and gotten rid of the background in the original image to make the piece look more professional.

Editing photos

I have looked on many different editing sites and pieces of editing software and familiarized myself with them to the best of my ability. I have then taken a photo off of Google, and edited it, to have a look at what I can do with my own photos when I create my front cover. Below is the original image, along with the edited image afterwards.

In this image, I have softened the background and the image as a whole. I have also added a brick wall overlay, and used the history brush to make it seem that the band members are in front of the wall. This just seems more of a grungy kind of look in my opinion.  Also, the change of colours has made a slight difference, and I've added a ghosty, 3D effect to the middle band member. 

Whilst editing this image, I have added a filter, and also some 'default' overlays and images that blend into the original image, to create a different colour scheme overall. I have also changed it so that everything looks a little blurred, and slightly unrealistic, as that is the overall look I am really going for.

In this image, I have changed the hue, to make the background items seem orange, rather than green. I have then added some filters and used history brush, to make the band member seem more blue, rather than grayscale. I then added more filters, each time using the history brush over the band member, to make the background look completely different in comparison. I also edited out the guitar lead.

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Circulation Research

Wired magazine is not your typical magazine. Instead of reading into the latest gossip, music or fashion, this magazine shows you how to create things and really learn about quirky things. This is a relatively niche magazine as it attracts an audience of what is typically known as 'geeks.' This magazine is popular as it has a space in the market that no other magazine has successfully been a huge part of as of yet. Wired has sadly gone down in circulation by 5.3%. This is more than likely down to the fact that what we have known in the past to be 'geek chic' has become unfashionable in comparison to what it was in the past. Also, the fact that we are in a recession means that most magazines and businesses aren't going to be doing as well as they would have done beforehand. A very big reason for Wired not doing as well as they probably deserve, is because many people buy magazines and use forms of media as a form of escapism. This isn't the greatest magazine for that, or the best thing to read if you're not relatively intelligent, which is the only magazines downfall in my personal opinion.